Contact us
Our business hours are 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday.
You can also stay up to date with state planning matters by registering for email updates.
From outside Australia, call +61 7 3022 6100 (UTC +10 hours) or 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
PO Box 15009, City East, Queensland 4002
1 William Street, Brisbane 4000
We are also able to assist with a variety of planning matters and can be contacted via the contact details below.
Our head office is Brisbane with regional offices located throughout Queensland. For enquiries related to a specific local government or location, please contact the relevant regional office.
The regional office will assist with enquiries related to the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) and other planning matters for the regional area.
For other planning matter specific services please contact the teams listed below under the general Planning Group contacts.
Regional offices across Queensland
Level 13, 1 William Street, Brisbane
PO Box 15009, City East, Queensland 4002
For development assessment and State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) enquiries:
P: 07 3452 7689
For local plan-making and other matters related to Brisbane:
Local government serviced:
- Brisbane
SEQ North
Foundation Place, Level 4, 3 South Sea Islander Way
PO Box 1129, Maroochydore Qld 4558
P: 07 5352 9701
Local government serviced:
- Moreton Bay
- Noosa
- Sunshine Coast
SEQ South
Level 9, 12-14 Marine Parade, Southport
PO Box 3290, Southport BC QLD 4215
P: 07 5644 3210
Local government serviced:
- Gold Coast
- Logan
- Redlands
SEQ West
Level 4, 117 Brisbane Street, Ipswich
PO Box 2390, North Ipswich Qld 4305
P: 07 3432 2413
Local government serviced:
- Ipswich
- Lockyer Valley
- Scenic Rim
- Somerset
Darling Downs South West
128 Margaret Street, Toowoomba
PO Box 825, Toowoomba Qld 4350
P: 07 4616 7307
Local government serviced:
- Bulloo
- Quilpie
- Murweh
- Paroo
- Maranoa
- Balonne
- Western Downs
- Goondiwindi
- Toowoomba
- Southern Downs
Wide Bay Burnett
Level 1, 7 Takalvan Street, Bundaberg
PO Box 979, Bundaberg Qld 4670
P: 07 4331 5614
Local government serviced:
- Bundaberg
- Cherbourg
- Fraser Coast
- Gympie
- North Burnett
- South Burnett
Fitzroy and Central Queensland
Level 2, 209 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton
PO Box 113, Rockhampton Qld 4700
P: 07 4924 2913
Local government serviced:
- Banana
- Central Highlands
- Gladstone
- Livingstone
- Rockhampton
- Woorabinda
- Barcoo
- Longreach
- Blackall Tambo
Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday
Level 11, 44 Nelson Street, Mackay
PO Box 257, Mackay Qld 4740
P: 07 4898 6888
Local government serviced:
- Isaac
- Mackay
- Whitsunday
- Diamantina
- Boulia
- Winton
- Barcaldine
North and North West Queensland
Level 11, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville
PO Box 5666, Townsville Qld 4810
P: 07 4758 3423
Local government serviced:
- Burdekin
- Charters Towers
- Hinchinbrook
- Palm Island
- Townsville
- Burke
- Carpentaria
- Cloncurry
- Doomadgee
- Flinders
- McKinlay
- Mornington
- Mount Isa
- Richmond
Far North Queensland
Ground Floor, Ports North Building,
Cnr Grafton and Hartley Streets, CairnsPO Box 2358, Cairns Qld 4870
P: 07 4037 3214
Local government serviced:
- Aurukun
- Cairns
- Cassowary Coast
- Cook
- Croydon
- Douglas
- Etheridge
- Hope Vale
- Kowanyama
- Lockhart River
- Mapoon
- Mareeba
- Napranum
- Northern Peninsula Area
- Pormpuraaw
- Tablelands
- Torres Shire
- Torres Strait Island
- Weipa Town Authority
- Wujal Wujal
- Yarrabah
General Planning Group contacts
For enquires related to:
- planning legislation
- planning framework
- planning policy
- plan-making guidance materials
- state planning matters
- local planning matters
- superseded development assessment forms and templates
- superseded legislation and guidance material.
For enquires related to:
- infrastructure designations, contact
- temporary use licences, contact
- temporary accepted development, contact
- State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP), contact
- Ministerial call-ins contact
- Development Assessment Mapping Systems (DAMS) or the State Planning Policy Interactive Mapping System (SPP IMS), contact
- urban encroachment registration, contact
- dispute resolution or Planning and Environment Court appeals, contact
- State Facilitated Development (SFD), contact
Looking for a different contact within the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning? Find a departmental contact.
Last updated: 17 Dec 2024