This website is being updated to reflect the new departmental structures (PDF, 510KB) announced on Friday 1 November 2024.

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The Planning Act 2016 establishes Queensland's planning framework and is supported by other Acts and regulations. It also establishes the framework of planning instruments that support the operation of the 3 main systems: plan‑making, development assessment and dispute resolution.

Legislation supporting Queensland's planning framework includes:

The Planning Act also provides the Planning Minister with powers that can be enacted in response to matters that relate to state interests. View the Minister's powers.

Detailed information on the legislation

  • This Act is the principal legislation and establishes the framework for Queensland’s planning system. The Act is broadly structured around the three main systems: plan-makingdevelopment assessment and dispute resolution. It establishes the framework of planning instruments and is supported by other legislation listed below.

    The Planning Act aims to establish an efficient and accountable system of land-use planning and development assessment to lead to ecological sustainability which balances:

    • the protection of ecological processes and natural systems at local, regional, state and national levels
    • economic development
    • the cultural, economic, physical and social wellbeing of Queenslanders.

    The Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation Amendment) Act 2024 (the HAAPOLA Act) commenced amending the Planning Act to improve the planning framework’s response to housing supply challenges. Read more about the HAAPOLA Act.

  • This regulation supports the principal legislation by detailing how the Planning Act operates. The regulation deals with practical matters such as:

    • how development is categorised
    • who will assess a development application
    • the state matters for development
    • prescribes the current versions of planning instruments, such as the Development Assessment Rules and Minister's Guidelines and Rules
    • prescribes the current fees and charges for development assessment, tribunal proceedings and prescribed amounts related to local government infrastructure plans.

    The Planning Regulation is primarily used by practitioners who interact daily with the planning framework.

  • This Act governs the constitution, composition, jurisdiction and powers of the Planning and Environment Court. The court is where appeals can be heard about development assessment decisions. The court also offers alternative dispute-resolution processes to help parties reach an early, inexpensive resolution.

    Read a fact sheet about the Planning and Environment Court Act 2016.

  • This Act seeks to strike a balance between protecting priority land uses and managing the impacts of (and supporting coexistence with) mining and petroleum activities, which are outside the jurisdiction of the Planning Act.

    The Act complements the Planning Act through a consistent application of the state's land-use planning objectives contained in regional plans. Learn more about the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014.

    The Regional Planning Interests Regulation 2014 prescribes the fees related to regional interest development applications and the amounts used to calculate mitigation values (relevant to strategic cropping land).

    From 1 July 2022, the Queensland Government has a new mechanism for how fees are updated annually to reflect indexation.

    Fees related to regional interest development applications and mitigation values are now expressed as units, rather than dollars. The fee unit value is prescribed in the Acts Interpretation (Fee Unit) Regulation 2022. The fee unit value will be updated annually in line with the Government Indexation Rate.

    More information about this change is available at Queensland Treasury.

    It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the correct fees are paid. For ease of use, a schedule of fees and charges ( 467.7 KB) converted to dollar amounts is available.

Last updated: 26 Jul 2024