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South Bank Corporation

Under the South Bank Corporation Act 1989 the responsible minister (currently the Planning Minister) has the power to approve the planning instrument for the South Bank Corporation area and any amendments to that plan.

The planning instrument for South Bank is called the Approved Development Plan (ADP).

South Bank history

South Bank Corporation was created as a statutory body to plan and develop the former World Expo '88 site into a public parkland, with adjacent commercial, retail and public building uses. Its role is to manage the 42 hectare site of which 17 hectares is parkland.

Since 1992, South Bank Corporation has maintained and managed the parklands and gradually facilitated the development of the commercial, residential and retail areas in the Corporation Area. South Bank Corporation is controlled through its Board.

Currently, development of a new master plan is underway for the Corporation Area. Public consultation on a draft master plan is expected to commence in late 2021.

Find out more about city parklands in Brisbane.

Last updated: 25 May 2022