This website is being updated to reflect the new departmental structures (PDF, 510KB) announced on Friday 1 November 2024.

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Delivering ShapingSEQ 2023

Catering for growth will challenge us all in different ways. Successful implementation of ShapingSEQ 2023 requires a coordinated effort by all stakeholders, including federal, state and local governments, utility providers and industry, community and First Nations peoples.

Our shared task

A role for everyone

  • The Federal Government will continue to set national policies around housing, infrastructure, environment, economic, taxation and immigration policy of most relevance to ShapingSEQ 2023 and provide funding and property-related financial measures.

  • The Queensland Government will continue to set legislative framework and policies, including regional plans such as ShapingSEQ 2023, and is responsible for:

    • Assessing planning schemes and policies
    • Assessing planning instruments and development applications
    • Delivering Region-Shaping Infrastructure projects that support growth
    • Unlocking land and funding to support development
    • Delivering social housing
    • Monitoring and reporting on the progress of ShapingSEQ 2023.
  • Local governments will continue to play a critical role in delivering the outcomes and strategies set out in ShapingSEQ 2023, including delivering place-based planning (through plan making), development assessment, and the planning and delivery of local transport infrastructure to support growth.

  • Ongoing engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must continue to ensure the rights, interests and aspirations of First Nations people are reflected in land use planning and the delivery of ShapingSEQ 2023.

  • The building industry must continue to adapt and develop delivery models and partnerships, including developing innovative gentle density housing products, to cater for increasing housing demand. In the short term, industry needs to proactively work with stakeholders to address factors that are influencing housing construction, including cost escalations and labour shortages.

  • Utility providers of water, energy, waste and telecommunications services must continue to work closely with the Queensland Government and local governments to further align planning and delivery of their essential networks as we plan for growth.

    Utility providers will plan for growth and ensure that the infrastructure needed to provide water and sewerage services is there for our growing population.

  • Local communities must continue to engage with the future planning of their neighbourhoods to ensure long-term planning is in alignment with community expectations, requirements and values. Communities and suburbs change over time and as the demography of the population changes their housing needs also change.

The 13 priority actions for ShapingSEQ 2023 are:

  • Priority Action 1: Streamlined ShapingSEQ alignment planning scheme amendments
  • Priority Action 2: High amenity areas
  • Priority Action 3: Strengthening RECs
  • Priority Action 4: Regional industrial land framework
  • Priority Action 5: Regional activity centres
  • Priority Action 6: Integrated land use and infrastructure modelling capability
  • Priority Action 7: First Nations engagement framework
  • Priority Action 8: Bioregional Planning for PFGAs
  • Priority Action 9: Resilience policy maturity framework
  • Priority Action 10: Heat hazard mitigation
  • Priority Action 11: Distinctly Queensland Design Series
  • Priority Action 12: Urban tree canopy
  • Priority Action 13: Implementation assurance framework

If you want to find out more about the priority actions without reading the entire plan please refer to the ShapingSEQ 2023 summary ( 10.2 MB).

The ShapingSEQ 2023 implementation framework is dynamic, accountable, transparent and effective and ensures the strategies and policies of the regional plan are translated into delivery of more homes on the ground for South East Queensland communities. It provides clear direction on governance, delivery tools and timeframes, as well as our commitment to sustained communication and engagement, and direction on how progress will be measured, monitored and reported on.

The plan will be delivered via existing processes in the planning framework, but also through 13 priority actions outlined throughout the plan. A revised approach to governance frameworks is included in the plan to ensure transparent communication between stakeholders and to ensure that action can be taken to address findings from monitoring or reporting.

ShapingSEQ 2023 Governance Framework:

The ShapingSEQ Implementation Program is a strategic program encompassing the 13 priority actions under the ShapingSEQ 2023 Regional Plan. These priority actions will be managed as individual, and at times interconnected, projects, allowing for targeted management and clear focus on specific objectives aligned with the strategic program.  To support this structure, a robust governance framework has been established to ensure transparent decision-making, accountability, reporting and effective program implementation.

The Program Governance Framework includes:

  • ShapingSEQ Delivery Office providing centralised coordination and management of the delivery of the ShapingSEQ Implementation Program
  • Growth Monitoring Program (GMP) offering regular and transparent reporting on the delivery of Grow and Prosper policy
  • Project Control Group (PCG) tasked with coordinating, monitoring and managing the projects within the implementation program
  • Program Steering Committee (PSC) providing strategic oversight and direction, and endorsing key decisions related to the implementation program
  • Theme-based working groups that integrate key stakeholders including state agency officers and local governments
  • Independent advisory panel to provide subject matter expertise as needed.

Last updated: 25 Jun 2024