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Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) Report

Since 2018, the GMP has produced and released four annual Land Supply and Development Monitoring (LSDM) Reports, providing an increasingly valuable evidence base to better inform decisions on infrastructure and land use planning in South East Queensland (SEQ).

To review previous LSDM reports, click here.

Review of the Land Supply and Development Monitoring Report

Aligned with the GMP’s aim for continual improvement and a shared understanding, the Deputy Premier announced in March 2021 that the department would commission a peer review of the LSDM reporting. In August 2021, KPMG were appointed to undertake the LSDM Peer Review and delivered a range of recommendations for targeted improvement, published in mid-2022.

A more robust approach to data and monitoring of supply to address specific areas of housing supply pressure, including the peer review’s recommendations and outcomes of the SEQ Regional Plan (ShapingSEQ) review, is being developed ahead of the release of the next LSDM.

SEQ Market Factors Report

The SEQ Market Factors Report provides insights into housing. This is particularly important given the dynamic state of the SEQ housing market through the COVID-19 pandemic.

The department commissioned an updated Market Factors Report for 2022 ( 1.8 MB), which provides additional context to the land supply and development monitoring program, including insights into labour market, household composition and housing costs. The 2022 Market Factors report can be accessed here.

Previous Market Factors reports can be accessed via the following links:

The review and update of Market Factors reporting will continue to be a part of the overall ongoing LSDM reporting. As part of this, there are opportunities for further industry engagement to inform future years of Market Factors reporting.

Last updated: 25 Jun 2024