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ShapingSEQ 2023 themes

About the themes

ShapingSEQ is guided by five key themes: Grow, Prosper, Connect, Sustain and Live.

These themes are supported by outcomes, strategies and priority actions to shape our region’s future. Explore the themes below to learn how we are shaping South East Queensland.

If you want more detail about the themes without reading the entire plan please refer to the ShapingSEQ 2023 summary ( 10.2 MB)

  • More homes and different types of homes

    Grow explores how we can sustainably accommodate our growing population. It enables better housing choice by introducing dwelling supply targets, supporting an uplift in density in well-located areas through the high amenity areas, as well as gentle density and by providing dwelling diversity sub-targets to promote the delivery of more housing options. Grow also supports increases in social housing and affordable housing through provision of a combined sub-target.

    View Grow theme background paper ( 6.6 MB).

    Priorities for Grow

    • Supporting efficient land use by encouraging more housing in existing well-located urban areas and high amenity areas to support growth while minimising the impact of expansion on the environment
    • Supporting delivery of adequate housing supply over the short, medium and long term to meet the full spectrum of housing needs
    • Supporting provision of diverse housing choice to meet the changing make up of South East Queensland’s population, community needs and lifestyles (including townhouses, apartments, granny flats and small and large detached houses)
    • Setting a sub-target for social and affordable housing to meet the demand from households on low to medium incomes
    • Nurturing rural towns and villages by providing sustainable growth and community development in a way that reinforces local identity.
  • More economic and activity centres, supporting more businesses, jobs and career opportunities

    Prosper supports economic growth, focusing on growing both high-value jobs across the region and creating more jobs close to where people live. It introduces a regional strategic approach to industrial land and identifies areas to support high-value industries that present the greatest economic opportunities for South East Queensland.

    View Prosper theme background paper ( 5.5 MB).

    Priorities for Prosper

    • Driving productivity and growth through a high performing outward-focused economy
    • Strengthening the role of Regional Economic Clusters (RECs) as key employment areas, as well as encouraging First Nations participation and opportunities within these areas
    • Supporting a Regional Activity Centres Network (RACN) outside the capital city centre to provide employment and services throughout the region and closer to where people live
    • Encouraging innovation and collaboration through vibrant and connected knowledge and technology precincts
    • Protecting major enterprise and industrial areas to ensure a supply of suitable land for industrial uses across the South East Queensland region
    • Planning for socially, culturally and environmentally sustainable tourism and events
    • Protecting land used for a specific ‘special use’ purpose that needs to be located away from sensitive areas including homes
    • Enhancing rural prosperity by supporting existing rural industry and encouraging new value-adding activities.
  • More infrastructure to connect our growing communities

    Connect focuses on strategies to strengthen communities and the economy by delivering integrated land use and transport planning. It reinforces the need for a more sustainable, healthy and accessible transport system and prioritises the development of a high frequency public transport network, the promotion of active transport and outlines Region-Shaping Infrastructure projects to support the growth of our region.

    View Connect theme background paper ( 5.4 MB).

    Priorities for Connect

    • Moving people and freight more efficiently around the region
    • Providing an extensive, convenient, safe and connected active transport network to promote walking and cycling in the region
    • Developing vibrant regional activity centres with easy access to employment, education and essential services through convenient and direct transport connections
    • Integrating infrastructure and land use planning to deliver a transport system that connects people, places and employment
    • Identifying Region-Shaping Infrastructure projects
    • Contributing to the establishment of a Movement and Place strategy that acknowledges streets and roads as transport corridors as well as places that are essential for everyday living.

    South East Queensland Infrastructure Supplement (SEQIS)

    SEQIS prioritises place-based infrastructure planning to support ShapingSEQ 2023, mapping the alignment of planned and committed projects, and identifies longer term regional infrastructure planning needs and strategic opportunities. SEQIS identifies a range of implementation actions to directly address regional growth challenges and capitalises on the opportunities. This signifies a progressive shift towards place-based infrastructure planning, optimising the use of existing assets and ensuring that the forecast growth in the region is thoughtfully supported by infrastructure, preserving the unique characteristics and liveability of South East Queensland.

    To find out more about SEQIS.

  • More parks, green spaces and protected natural habitats

    Sustain focuses on protecting our region’s biodiversity, cultural heritage and natural assets, and building resilience in response to climate change and extreme weather. It also considers protecting biodiversity, koala habitat and natural disaster management. It recognises the importance of involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in decision-making processes, including respecting areas that hold cultural, spiritual and environmental significance for First Nations people.

    View Sustain theme background paper ( 5.4 MB).

    Priorities for Sustain

    • Ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are engaged and empowered, and their culture is respected and reflected in planning for the region
    • Protecting and enhancing South East Queensland’s biodiversity corridors and taking a regional focus to maintain the natural environment, key habitat areas and native wildlife
    • Coordinating planning and development to protect the extent and quality of habitat to sustain koala populations over the long-term, in addition to protection measures for other native species
    • Protecting the valued landscapes that define our region and serve the recreational and outdoor needs of the community
    • Implementing innovative approaches to enhance and protect the health of waterways, wetlands, coasts and bays
    • Managing natural economic resources sustainably, including protecting important agricultural areas, ensuring ready availability of natural materials used in construction and securing drinking water supplies
    • Setting the planning framework to enable a transition to a lower carbon future and to respond to the risks of climate change
    • Incorporating climate and natural hazard considerations into planning and land use to identify ‘no-go’ future development areas and to build resilience within our communities.
  • Better design outcomes that consider our local character and climate

    Live focuses on creating well-designed communities that are suited to our region and improve quality of life for all. Quality design is key to accommodating the future growth of the region, enabling communities to connect physically and socially so people can enjoy the places they live. The Queensland Government’s ‘Distinctly Queensland Design Series’ are design guidance and form-based codes aimed at streamlining design, planning and assessment processes that support this aim.

    View Live theme background paper ( 5.0 MB).

    Priorities for Live

    • Valuing good design that embraces our sub-tropical climate and creates a sense of community belonging
    • Working with the weather and delivering new models for energy-efficient homes, as well as providing low-cost living
    • Creating communities that derive inspiration from local character including heritage, landscape, culture and environment
    • Adopting fairness and equity principles when considering land use, design, affordability and access to transport, jobs and services
    • Working with natural systems to incorporate the environment, including vegetation and habitat, into the places we live
    • Creating connected streets and spaces that can comfortably accommodate the needs of all community members
    • Embedding opportunities for adaptation so that, as our communities grow and change, our buildings, streets and spaces can change too
    • Embracing the power of placemaking to strengthen the connection between people and the places they share
    • Providing healthy and liveable places that promote health and wellbeing and are supported by social infrastructure, sport and recreation opportunities and community connection.

Last updated: 25 Jun 2024