State Development Assessment Provisions
The State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) assesses development applications against the State Development Assessment Provisions (SDAP).
SDAP defines the state's interest in development assessment and includes the assessment benchmarks or matters SARA will assess an application against.
The state uses SDAP to deliver a coordinated, whole-of-government approach to the state's assessment of development applications.
Using versions of SDAP
SDAP is updated from time to time to reflect legislative and policy changes.
New versions of SDAP are typically published for information purposes two weeks before they commence. Applicants should address the current version of SDAP (i.e. the version that has commenced) at the time of submitting their application to the assessment manager.
SDAP version Date of publication Date of commencement SDAP version 3.1 ( 4.4 MB)
30 September 2024 30 September 2024 SDAP version 3.0 ( 4.4 MB)
4 February 2022 18 February 2022 SDAP version 2.6 7 February 2020 7 February 2020 SDAP version 2.5 17 June 2019 1 July 2019 SDAP version 2.4 12 October 2018 16 November 2018 SDAP version 2.3 18 June 2018 2 July 2018 SDAP version 2.2 9 March 2018 9 March 2018 SDAP version 2.1 1 August 2017 11 August 2017 SDAP version 2.0 26 May 2017 3 July 2017 SDAP version 1.10 28 November 2016 5 December 2016 SDAP version 1.9 11 July 2016 22 July 2016 SDAP version 1.8 8 April 2016 22 April 2016 SDAP version 1.7 2 November 2015 23 November 2015 SDAP version 1.6 6 July 2015 6 July 2015 SDAP version 1.5 10 October 2014 27 October 2014 SDAP version 1.4 20 June 2014 4 July 2014 SDAP version 1.3 9 May 2014 16 May 2014 SDAP version 1.2 11 April 2014 28 April 2014 SDAP version 1.1 22 November 2013 2 December 2013 SDAP version 1 20 June 2013 1 July 2013 -
The SARA FastTrack5 assessment pathway is a streamlined referral and assessment process that allows SARA to assess and quickly decide eligible triggers and aspects of development.
When all triggers associated with an application are FastTrack5-eligible triggers, SARA will provide a referral agency response or decision notice within five days of receiving the qualifying development application. A reduced fee will also apply to those triggers qualifying for FastTrack5 assessment.
Aspects of development that qualify for FastTrack5 assessment will not require an information request, and standardised conditions will generally be applied to the referral agency response or decision notice.
To qualify for FastTrack5 assessment, applicants must meet all the qualifying criteria in the relevant FastTrack5 checklist (this can be found in Appendix 2 of State Development Assessment Provisions) or see below.
When submitting an application to SARA containing a FastTrack5-eligible trigger, applicants must include a completed qualifying criteria checklist for each eligible trigger to demonstrate that the triggered aspect of development has qualified for FastTrack5 assessment.
FastTrack5 qualifying criteria checklists
Note: Applications lodged prior to 3 July 2017 should continue to use the checklists relevant to SDAP v1.10.
Should you require copies of older SDAP materials not available on this website, please contact us.
What has changed in SDAP?
Changes to each version of SDAP are summarised below. Note: where there is no mention of a particular module or part of SDAP, this indicates no change has occurred.
Part or module/code
Details of amendments
State code 23: Wind farm development
Re-write of the purpose statement and performance outcomes of the code:
- revising the purpose statement to reflect the Government’s policy commitment
- revising the purpose statement to set out minimum parameters of assessment necessary to demonstrate a wind farm can satisfactorily mitigate impacts
- revising the purpose statement to include that the siting of wind farms does not result in impacts on individuals, communities and the environment
- revising the purpose statement to require community and Local Government engagement
- modifying the ‘using this code’ section to make it fit for purpose for impact assessment
- adding a new performance outcome PO5 requiring applicants to demonstrate the proposal does not create a significant loss of high-quality agricultural land values
- adding a new performance outcome PO17 to require applicants to demonstrate how they will manage off-site workforce accommodation impacts to surrounding communities and townships
- adding a new performance outcome PO23 requiring applicants to demonstrate the proposal manage, mitigate and remediate impacts on infrastructure and services, including social infrastructure, communications networks and essential infrastructure
- adding a new performance outcome PO26 requiring applicants to demonstrate the proposal avoids adverse impacts on communities
- adding a new performance outcome PO30 to require security to safeguard timely compliance with decommissioning plans
- formatting and editorial amendments.
- To ensure renewable projects are subject to a rigorous assessment via the impact assessment process
Part or module/code
Details of amendments
State code 23: Wind farm development
Extensive re-write of the purpose statement and performance outcomes of the code to:
- prevent adverse impacts on threatened species and associated habitats and areas of high ecological value
- require progressive replanting and rehabilitating of areas cleared for construction
- require projects to factor in areas of high erosion risk, particularly in Great Barrier Reef catchments, when formulating site layouts
- ensure that heavy haulage routes will be capable of supporting construction of approved projects
- ensure that surrounding communities and townships are not adversely affected by on-site construction camps.
- To strengthen environmental assessment criteria in accordance with policy intent
- To ensure that communities and townships are not adversely impacted by construction camps
- To provide confidence that construction haulage can be achieved following approvals
- To provide clearer and more transparent assessment benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
Part or module/code
Details of amendments
Front sections
- Updates to introductory sections (1-4) of SDAP.
- Provides users with clarity on the role of SARA, the relationship between SDAP, the Planning Act 2016 and the Planning Regulation 2017 and how to use state codes.
All codes
- Insertion of a text box to the front page of each code to outline how to use the relevant code and the reference to relevant technical agency guidance material.
- To ensure users understand how the codes should be used and are aware of the relevant technical agency guidance material.
State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- New provisions relating to stormwater run-off and discharge to ensure no adverse impacts to state-controlled roads
- New provisions relating to acoustic requirements
- New glossary terms for functional requirements, future intent, LAR1, private open space, solid gap free fence, solid gap free structure and Type 2 multi-modal corridor, and removal of glossary terms of materially affect, material worsening and operating performance.
- To clarify policy intent
- Create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 2: Development in a railway environment
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- New provisions relating to stormwater run-off and discharge to ensure no adverse impacts to state-controlled roads
- New provisions relating to acoustic requirements
- Amended purpose statement to specify protection of railway corridors and rail transport infrastructures and active transport infrastructure associated with railways
- Deletion of AO1 to reflect contemporary drafting.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 3: Development in a busway environment
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 4: Development in a light rail environment
- No changes proposed.
State code 5: Development in a state-controlled transport tunnel environment
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 6: Protection of state transport networks
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Updates to existing provisions relating to state-controlled roads and railway corridors to reflect changes in state code 1 and state code 2.
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 7: Maritime safety
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended purpose statement to specify construction and operation of the development does not compromise navigable waterways
- Deletion of performance outcome relating to construction activity as this is now elevated to the purpose statement
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 8: Coastal development and tidal works
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to ensure that the code reflects government policy intent
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Amend provisions to reflect the difference between developed and pristine beaches
- Updated provisions in tables 8.2.1 and 8.2.3 to reflect contemporary drafting
- Deletion of provisions relating to Category C and R vegetation as these are subject to relevant accepted development codes and inclusion of these provisions duplicates assessment
- Updated table 8.2.2 to align with best practice and simplify assessment benchmarks
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 9: Great Barrier Reef wetland protection areas
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to ensure that the code reflects government policy intent
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Amended provisions in tables 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 to reflect contemporary drafting
- Deletion of provisions relating to Category C and R vegetation as these are subject to relevant accepted development codes and inclusion of these provisions duplicates assessment
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers
State code 10: Taking or interfering with water
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended to clarify government position on contaminated agricultural runoff (CAR) dams in Queensland Murray Darling Basin
- Amended purpose statement to reflect contemporary drafting and include reference to the Queensland Murray Darling Basin
- Amended provisions in table 10.2 to reflect contemporary drafting and minor typographical changes
- Updated reference documents to include Health Water Management Plans
- Updated glossary terms for acceptable quality of water, removing terms for certified report and computer program simulation and new terms for water planning instrument
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers
- Amended provisions relating to CAR dams will allow for the removal of the existing water moratorium made by the Minister for Regional Development, Manufacturing Water that has been in place and renewed yearly since 2018.
State code 11: Removal, destruction, or damage of marine plants
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to ensure that the code reflects government policy intent
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Amended performance outcomes to reflect contemporary drafting standards
- Deletion of acceptable outcomes to reflect contemporary drafting, including those that can be included as conditions or in guidance material for applicants
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 12: Development in a declared fish habitat area
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to ensure that the code reflects government policy intent
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Amended provisions in table 12.2.1 to reflect contemporary drafting and to specify that it applies for work where a resource allocation authority has not yet been granted
- Amended table 12.2.2 to reflect contemporary drafting
- Deletion of notes
- Updated reference documents
- Deleted glossary terms for legally secured offset area and translocation, and updated glossary term for matters of state environmental significance.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers
State code 13: Unexploded ordnance
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to update technical matters
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 14: Queensland heritage
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Updated purpose statement to clarify requirements
- New provisions for reconfiguring a lot on land containing a Queensland heritage place
- mended provisions to include consistency of defined terms
- Removal of reference to ‘no prudent and feasible alternative’
- Updated glossary terms for adaptation, cultural heritage significance, development, preservation, Queensland Heritage Register, new terms for identified element, no reasonable alternative and Queensland heritage place, and delete glossary term for prominent features.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 15: Removal of quarry material from a watercourse or lake
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions to ensure that the code reflects government policy intent.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 16: Native vegetation clearing
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Minor typographical changes to provisions in table 16.2.2
- Amended provisions in table 16.2.3 to reflect Department of Resources policy intent and incorporate contemporary drafting
- New performance outcome relating to conserving least concern regional ecosystems
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 17: Aquaculture
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended purpose statement to include maintaining health and productivity of fisheries resources, fish habitat and the natural environment
- Amended provisions relating to escape and release requirements for both land-based and tidal aquaculture and deletion of other provisions that duplicate this requirement
- Deletion of provisions that relate to operational requirements duplicated by other legal requirements, including requirements under the Biosecurity Act 2014 and under resource allocation authorities
- Updated references to guidance material
- New glossary terms for fish habitat, high risk activities and deletion of terms for AQUAVET and translocation
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers
State code 18: Construction of waterway barrier works
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Amended purpose statement to reflect DAF policy intent
- Amended performance outcomes in table 18.2.1 to reflect contemporary drafting.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 19: Category 3 levees
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Deletion of acceptable outcomes
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 20: Referable dams
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Deletion of notes.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers
State code 21: Hazardous chemical facilities
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Deletion of individual fatality risk level criteria in PO1 – PO3
- Minor typographical changes to heading and PO10
- Deletion of acceptable outcomes
- Deletion of glossary term for bushfire prone area, erosion prone area, flood hazard area, landslide hazard area and storm tide inundation area, and new glossary term for natural hazard.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 22: Environmentally relevant activities
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Deletion of provisions relating to Category C and R vegetation as these are subject to relevant accepted development codes and inclusion of these provisions duplicates assessment
- Amended PO9 to reflect contemporary drafting
- Deletion of notes
- Deletion of glossary terms for Category C areas and Category R areas and updated glossary term for matters of state environmental significance.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 23: Wind farm development
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Minor typographical updates to purpose statement
- Amended provisions to reflect contemporary drafting
- Deletion of acceptable outcomes in AO1 and AO2
- Deletion of performance outcome relating to separation distances and include separation distances in acceptable outcomes for performance outcome relating to acoustic amenity.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 24: Urban design outcomes for significant projects
- Amended purpose statement and principles to reflect policy intent of local context and urban design outcomes over time
- Updated reference document.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
State code 25: Development in South East Queensland koala habitat areas
- Updates to reflect contemporary drafting principles
- Amended provisions relating to matters of state environment significance
- Deletion of AO4.1 (v2.6) on the basis that this can be conditioned if a koala management plan is not provided
- Deletion of provisions relating to Category C and R vegetation as these are subject to relevant accepted development codes and inclusion of these provisions duplicates assessment
- Deletion of glossary terms for Category C areas and Category R areas and amended glossary terms for matters of state environmental significance and infrastructure
- Amended glossary connectivity and fragmenting terms to include refences to ‘mapped koala habitat areas’.
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
Appendix 2: FastTrack 5 qualifying criteria 5
- Limiting development to 1 berth
- Limiting to be attached to lawful structures and works
- To clarify policy intent
- To create clearer benchmarks for applicants and assessing officers.
Part or module/code Amendments Front sections - Insert new sentence clarifying that in the case of any inconsistency between the legislation/regulation and the Development Assessment Mapping System (DAMS), the legislation/regulation must be considered the point of truth.
State code 2: Development in a railway environment - New Acceptable Outcomes: AO20.2 and 20.3
- Deleted Acceptable outcomes: AO24.1 and AO24.2
State code 3: Development in a busway environment - Update references to guidance material
State Code 4: Development in a light rail environment - Update references in PO1, PO7, PO9, PO12, PO14, PO15, PO17, PO18, PO19, PO20, PO21 and PO25
- Update references to guidance material
State Code 6: Protection of state transport networks - Amended provision AO18.2 Amend table 6.2.1 to include ‘Resort complex’
State code 11: Removal, destruction or damage of marine plants - Remove note from Section 11.2 Update references to guidance material
State code 12: Development in a declared fish habitat area - Updated references to guidance material
- Remove note in PO1
State code 15: Removal of quarry material - Update reference document to include DNRME watercourse identification map
State code 16 - Amended purpose statement
- New provisions: PO44
- Amended provisions: AO8, AO9, AO10, AO11, AO12, AO13, AO14, AO15, AO20, AO21, AO27, AO31, AO32, AO33, AO34, AO37, AO41, AO43, PO7, PO8, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12, PO13, PO14, PO20, PO21, PO28, PO33, PO37, PO44
- Introduction of new terms to glossary: vegetation retention purposes, built infrastructure,
- Removed from glossary: dense regional ecosystem
State code 17: Aquaculture - Amended provision: PO26
State code 18: Constructing or raising waterway barrier works - Amended provision: PO1
Appendix 2.6: Fastrack qualifying criteria checklist 6 - Amendment to Appendix A
Part or module/code Amendments State code 16: Native Vegetation Clearing
- minor amendments made to State code 16: Native Vegetation Clearing, to minimise potential duplication in assessment with State code 25
State code 25: Development in South East Queensland koala habitat areas
- Introduction of new code -State code 25 was made in response to the Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Strategy 2019-2024
Across all codes
- amendments throughout to correctly reference remade subordinate legislation
Across all codes
- minor formatting and typographical amendments throughout
Part or module/code Amendments State code 16: Native vegetation clearing - Remove redundant wording relating to the definition of “clearing” in PO36.
State code 24: Urban design outcomes for significant projects - Update to remove reference to the Office of the Queensland Government Architect within the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning.
FastTrack Checklist 6: Clearing native vegetation to manage thickened vegetation - Introduction of new checklist.
Part or module/code Amendments State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment - Update to reference documents.
State code 2: Development in a railway environment - PO6 and PO7 - Minor wording amendment to clarify intent that collision protection measures are designed to protection persons from injury.
- New PO8, AO8.1 and AO8.2 about protecting people from electrification near a railway.
- Re-numbering provisions subsequent to the introduction of new PO8.
- Update to reference documents.
State code 3: Development in a busway environment - Update to reference documents.
State code 4: Development in a light rail environment - Update to reference documents.
State code 5: Development in a state-controlled tunnel environment - Update to reference documents.
State code 6: Protection of state transport networks - Update to reference documents.
- New definition of 'lawful point of discharge'.
State code 8: Coastal development and tidal works - Update to reference documents.
State code 9: Wetland protection areas - Reference to updated guidance material (Guideline – SDAP State code 9: Great Barrier Reef wetland.
State code 14: Queensland heritage - 'Statutory note' in PO4 changed to 'note'.
State code 16: Native vegetation clearing - Removed provisions relating to clearing for 'high value agricultural clearing' and 'irrigated high value agricultural clearing'.
- Throughout State Code 16 – replaced the term 'thinning' with the term 'managing thickened vegetation.
- Introduction of new defined terms in the glossary:
- Accepted development code
- Consequential development of IPA approval
- Managing thickened vegetation
- Vegetation clearing provision.
- Removal of defined terms in the glossary
- Broadacre cropping
- Crops
- Eligible owner
- High value agricultural clearing
- Irrigated high value agricultural clearing.
- Other development associated with development approvals under the Integrated Planning Act 1997.
- Thinning.
State code 19: Category 3 levees - Update to reference documents.
State code 24: Urban design outcomes for significant projects - Update to reference documents.
FastTrack5 checklist 1 'New or changed' inserted into sections 6 and 7 when referring to access to state controlled road.
Clarification that the development which is the subject of the application must also be of an equivalent use and intensity to the existing development (section 6 and 7).
FastTrack5 checklist 2 'New or changed' inserted into sections 6 and 7 when referring to access to state controlled road.
Clarification that the development which is the subject of the application must also be of an equivalent use and intensity to the existing development (section 6 and 7).
Part or module/code Amendments State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment - Updated references to guidance material
- Amended provisions: PO17, AO17.2, PO18, AO18.1, AO18.4
- Change 'statutory notes' to 'notes' where for guidance only
State code 2: Development in a railway environment - Updated references to guidance material
- Change 'statutory notes' to 'notes' where for guidance only
State code 3: Development in a busway environment - Updated references to guidance material
- Change 'statutory notes' to 'notes' where for guidance only
State code 4: Development in a light rail environment - Updated references to guidance material
- Change 'statutory notes' to 'notes' where for guidance only
State code 6: Protection of state transport networks - Amendment of heading and reordering of provisions to better group like provisions about public passenger transport infrastructure
- Updated references to guidance material
State code 8: Coastal development and tidal works - The 'note' for PO9 is changed to 'statutory note'
State code 14: Queensland heritage - Updates to reflect machinery-of-government changes
State code 16: Native vegetation clearing - Amendments to align SDAP's native vegetation clearing policy intent with the following made under the Vegetation Management Regulation 2012:
- a new interim Managing thickened vegetation accepted development vegetation clearing code
- the remade Managing fodder harvesting accepted development vegetation clearing code
- declared or rescheduled regional ecosystems.
- Amended provisions: AO8.4, AO8.6, AO8.7, AO8.8, AO14.4, AO14.5, AO14.6, PO15, AO15.2, AO21.3, AO21.4, AO21.6, AO21.7, AO22.1, AO23.2, AO23.3, AO27.2, AO32.3, AO33.3, AO34.2, AO35.2, PO36, AO36.1–AO36.7, PO37, PO38, PO39, PO40, PO41, PO42, PO43, AO43.1–AO43.5, PO44, PO45, AO45.1–AO45.3, Table 16.3.6, Table 16.3.10, and definitions (benchmarks, block harvest area, block retention area, breaker harvesting, fodder species, ground cover, habitat trees, immature trees, low shrub, prescribed regional ecosystem, root absorbed broad spectrum herbicide, salinity expression area, selective harvesting, soil applied broad spectrum herbicides, soil erosion and instability, strip harvest area, strip harvesting, strip retention area, tall immature trees, thicket)
FastTrack5 checklist 1 - The terminology has been simplified from 'accommodation activities' to specific land uses which fall under the umbrella term 'accommodation activities'
- Addition of glossary
FastTrack5 checklist 2 - The terminology has been simplified from 'accommodation activities' to specific land uses which fall under the umbrella term 'accommodation activities'
- Addition of glossary
FastTrack5 checklist 4 - Addition of glossary
Part or module/code Amendments - State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment
- State code 2: Development in a railway environment
- State code 3: Development in a busway environment
- State code 4: Development in a light rail environment
- State code 5: Development in a state-controlled transport tunnel environment
- Minor terminology amendments
- Addition of a definition for the term 'transport noise corridor' in State code 2
- Amendment to the definition of the term 'actionable nuisance' to make the reference to the Queensland Urban Drainage Manual a note rather than part of the definition
- State code 8: Coastal development and tidal works
- Amendment to the note accompanying PO2 to clarify that the planning chief executive must consider a proposed land surrender notice, as well as a land surrender requirement
- Clarification of the statutory note accompanying PO16
- State code 9: Great Barrier Reef wetland protection areas
- Removal of the statutory note accompanying PO9 as it is not relevant to development which requires assessment against this code
- State code 11: Removal, destruction or damage of marine plants
- Clarification of the statutory note accompanying PO31
- State code 12: Development in a declared fish habitat area
- Clarification of the statutory note accompanying PO41
- State code 16: Native vegetation clearing
- Minor wording and other typographical amendments to improve clarity and to better align the code with the Planning Regulation 2017
- State code 17: Aquaculture
- Deletion of PO16 as it imposed additional requirements on the applicant not consistent with statutory processes
- State code 18: Constructing or raising waterway barrier works in fish habitats
- Clarification of the statutory note accompanying PO36
- State code 22: Environmentally relevant activities
- Addition of a definition for the term 'sensitive receptor'
- Clarification of the statutory note accompanying PO7
- State code 23: Wind farm development
- Amendment to the definition of 'wind farm' for consistency with the Planning Regulation 2017
- Appendix 2: FastTrack 5 qualifying criteria checklist 5
- Addition of a new question 3 requiring that there be no existing structures or works seaward of the tidal boundary of the land
A comprehensive review of SDAP was undertaken concurrently with the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 and the State Planning Policy in anticipation of the commencement of the Planning Act 2016.
Structural changes to SDAP include:
- Improved code drafting with simplified and clarified provisions.
- Modules removed and replaced with standalone state codes. These state codes are broadly grouped into locational, use-based or advice only.
- Module 2: Regional plans, Module 6: Strategic cropping land and Module 15: Airports have been deleted. These modules were not used in SDAP 1.10.
- Department of Transport and Main Roads FastTrack5 checklists have been consolidated, resulting in fewer checklists but no change to the development types which can be fast-tracked.
- New FastTrack5 checklist has been added (tidal works for coastal protection).
SDAP Section/State code Summary Policy context - Defines the specific role of the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA).
- Outlines the relationship between SDAP v2.0 with the Planning Act 2016 and the Planning Regulation 2017.
- Outlines development not assessed by SARA or against the SDAP.
Using the state codes - Outlines how the states codes are to be used by an applicant and how the state codes are applied in development assessment by SARA.
- Describes the three levels of assessment criteria which form the decision making hierarchy for SDAP v2.0 – purpose statement, performance outcomes and acceptable outcomes.
Interpretation - Outlines the elements of SDAP, including statutory and non-statutory information
State code 1: Development in a state-controlled road environment - Integrates state controlled road elements of Modules 1, 17, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 2: Development in a railway environment - Integrates rail elements of Modules 1, 17, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
- New provisions for throw and collision protection.
- Vibration protection (only for hospitals).
- Removal of throw protection provisions for accommodation activities.
State code 3: Development in a busway environment - Integrates busway elements of Modules 1, 17, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 4: Development in a light rail environment - Integrates light rail elements of Modules 1, 17, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 5: Development in a state-controlled transport tunnel environment - Integrates state controlled transport tunnel elements of Modules 1, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 6: Protection of state transport networks - Replaces Modules 17, 18 and 19 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 7: Maritime safety - Name change from Module 14 of SDAP v1.10; content has not changed.
State code 8: Coastal development and tidal works - Replaces Module 10 of SDAP v1.10.
- Revised purpose statement.
- Applies only to the erosion prone area in a coastal management district, consistent with changes to triggers in the Planning Regulation 2017.
- PO1 identifies certain types of development permitted in the erosion prone area.
- Note included in PO2 regarding consideration of any land surrender requirement.
- Provisions regarding storm tide inundation removed as this will be considered by local government.
- Most AOs removed as there generally will not a single solution available in all circumstances.
- Provisions included for operational work which is not assessed by local government.
- Note to clarify that the monetary value of buildings or infrastructure should be more than the cost of an associated erosion control structure (PO9).
State code 9: Great Barrier Reef wetland protection areas - Replaces Module 11 of SDAP v1.10
- Clarifies the assessment is limited to Great Barrier Reef wetland protection areas (as opposed to all wetland protection areas).
State code 10: Taking or interfering with water - Replaces Module 7 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 11: Removal, destruction or damage of marine plants - Replaces state code 5.3 of Modules 5 in SDAP v1.10.
State code 12: Development in a declared fish habitat area - Replaces states code 5.1 of Module 5 in SDAP v1.10.
State code 13: Unexploded ordnance - Replaces Module 12 of SDAP v1.10.
- AO removed as the potential risk associated with UXO is such that compliance with the PO (or purpose statement) is considered necessary.
State code 14: Queensland heritage - Replaces Module 9 of SDAP v1.10.
- Minor changes only. A thorough review of this code was performed in late 2016 and a revised version included in SDAP v1.10.
State code 15: Removal of quarry material - Replaces Module 7 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 16: Native vegetation clearing - Replaces Module 8 of SDAP v1.10.
- Restructured to reduce repetition.
- 79 performance outcomes have been reduced to 48; grouped by development types.
State code 17: Aquaculture - Replaces Module 3 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 18: Constructing or raising waterway barrier works in fish habitats - Replaces state code 5.2 in Module 5 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 19: Category 3 levees - Integrates the particular (category 3) levee elements of Module 7 of SDAP v1.10.
State code 20: Referable dams - Replaces Module 16 of SDAP v1.10.
- Minor changes only: a thorough review of this code was performed in late 2016 and a revised version included in SDAP v1.10
State code 21: Hazardous chemical facilities - Replaces Module 13 of SDAP v1.10.
- The term 'hazardous chemical facilities' replaces 'major hazard facilities' reflecting the change in the Planning Regulation 2017.
- Purpose statement refined.
- Additional POs and AOs identified to provide for more comprehensive assessment of these developments.
State code 22: Environmentally relevant activities - Replaces Module 4 of SDAP v1.10.
- New performance outcome (PO9) assesses odour only from poultry farms. Odour criteria from the Development of Meat Chicken Farms guideline are included as acceptable outcomes.
State code 23: Wind farm development - Name change from Module 20 of SDAP v1.10, content has not changed.
State code 24: Urban design outcomes for significant projects - New code to accompany a new trigger under the Planning Regulation 2017.
- Differs in structure to other SDAP codes as the associated trigger (is for advice only).
- Includes eight best practice urban design principles.
Appendix 1: Development requiring assessment under the Planning Regulation 2017 - Previously found in Part B: Application and operation of SDAP v1.10.
- Identifies the state code(s) relevant to each trigger under the Planning Regulation 2017 for which SARA is an assessment manager or a referral agency.
Appendix 2: FastTrack 5 framework - Previously found in Part C: Fast track framework in SDAP v1.10.
- Consolidates 15 FastTrack5 checklists under SDAP v1.10 into five, without reducing the types of development which can be fast-tracked.
- Includes two new checklists for certain operational works (tidal works for coastal protection) which are now eligible for FastTrack5 assessment.
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and policy context - Amendment to the title of Module 16: Referable dams (formerly 'Particular dams') in figure A.1
Part B: Application and operation - Amendment to the title of Module 16: Referable dams (formerly 'Particular dams') in figures B.2 and B.3
- Addition of reference to the new trigger under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 (SPR) for development adjoining a state heritage place in table B.2.
Part D: State codes and other matters - Amendment to the title of Module 16: Referable dams (formerly 'particular dams').
Module 2: Regional plans - Minor amendments to the text advising of the removal of Module 2 (which occurred as part of SDAP version 1.9) to correct identified errors in the references to the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 and State planning regulatory provisions
Module 9: Queensland heritage - Complete re-write of the module to clarify requirements and to include a broader set of criteria addressing the full range of development potentially requiring assessment against the code. This includes:
- a clearer, more concise purpose statement which expresses the purpose of the code, avoiding repetition of legislation (i.e. the Queensland Heritage Act 1992)
- improved clarity around when and how an applicant must demonstrate that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to a development which proposes to destroy or substantially reduce the cultural heritage significance of a state heritage place
- enhanced code provisions with a direct line of sight to the entry for the state heritage place in the Queensland Heritage Register
- a new code provision for the new referral trigger for certain development adjoining a State heritage place
- removal of extensive editor's notes, which can be addressed through guidance or through the code itself.
Module 16: Referable dams - Complete re-write of the module to clarify requirements and reflect a refinement of the corresponding SPR assessment trigger. This includes:
- updates to match the changes to the relevant trigger under the SPR to ensure only dams which are of interest to the state are triggered for assessment
- renaming of the code and other terminology changes to correspond with the trigger change and to simplify the overall code
- improved purpose statement to reflect the actual outcomes sought by the code
- existing PO split to cover both design and construction, and management and maintenance, of a dam
- improved PO wording to provide more detail and greater clarity regarding the outcomes to be achieved
- new, consolidated guideline providing supporting information to assist applicants in addressing the code.
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and policy context - Addition of reference to the new Module 20: Wind farm development.
- Removal of references to Module 2: Regional plans and Module 15: Airports.
Part B: Application and operation - Removal of unnecessary and outdated content relating to the Development Assessment Mapping System (DAMS).
- Addition of reference to the new wind farms trigger under the State Planning Regulation (SPR) and to the corresponding new SDAP module - Module 20: Wind farm development.
Module 2: Regional plans - Deletion of this module as the prescribed matter under schedule 5 of the SPR for development applications for reconfiguration of a lot to which the South-East Queensland State Planning Regulatory Policy (SEQ SPRP) applies is the SEQ SPRP, not SDAP.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Reinstatement of PO1(3) and associated editor's note under Table 8.1.6, which were previously deleted in SDAP v1.8.
Module 11: Wetland protection areas - Amendments to the purpose statement for the code.
- Deletion of PO1 in Table 11.1.1, and the associated AOs and heading, as the amendments to the purpose statement render these provisions redundant.
- Deletion of AO2.1 and AO2.2 in Table 11.1.1.
- Addition of an editor's note under PO3 in Table 11.1.1 referencing the relevant guideline.
- Deletion of AO3.2 in Table 11.1.1 as it is essentially a repetition of AO3.1(2).
- Deletion of AO7.2 in Table 11.1.1 as it is essentially a repetition of AO7.1.
Module 14: Maritime safety - Addition of editor's notes accompanying AO2.2 and AO2.3 in Table 14.1.1 to indicate when an aid to navigation management plan may be required to be submitted.
Module 15: Airports - Deletion of this module as the prescribed matter under schedule 5 of the SPR for development applications on airport land is the Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008, not SDAP.
Module 18: State transport infrastructure protection - Deletion of AO2.4 in Table 18.1.1 (and numbering of subsequent POs) the standard referenced applies to state-controlled roads and not to railways (which are the subject of the associated PO).
- Amendments to document references in AO2.1 and AO3.1 in Table 18.2.1.
- Amendment to AO3.1 in Table 18.2.1 to refer to development with a "high risk" of erosion, instead of a 'moderate to high risk'.
Module 20: Wind farm development - Incorporation of a new module to provide criteria for the assessment of development applications for wind farms.
Part or module Amendments Part C: Fast track framework and qualifying criteria - Addition of a new FastTrack5 qualifying criteria for low-risk maritime development under the SPR Schedule 7, Table 2, Item 15 referral trigger for tidal works (operational works).
Module 7: Water resources - Insertion of new website reference for Overland flow works that require certification.
- Amendment to definition of 'certified report' to reflect updated website reference and hyperlink.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Minor amendments to clarify the requirements for managing soil erosion.
- Removal of provisions which duplicate the processes already carried out under the Vegetation Management Act 1999 for clearing of vegetation for a relevant purpose.
- Addition of a definition for 'accelerated soil erosion'.
- Amendment to the editor's note under the definition for the term 'vegetation' to clarify that vegetation includes vegetation located within a 'category R area', as already captured by SPR.
Module 9: Queensland heritage - Addition of an editor's note in 9.1.1 Purpose to indicate that SARA will obtain advice from the Queensland Heritage Council (QHC), (via DEHP) on applications that will potentially destroy or substantially reduce the cultural heritage significance of a State heritage place.
Module 14: Maritime Safety - Rewording of AO3.2 in Table 14.1.1 to include references to 'high risk maritime development zone' and 'navigation corridor', which support the new navigable waterways mapping, also uploaded in the DAMS.
- Addition of editor's note for AO3.2 in Table 14.1.1 advising that 'navigation corridor' and 'high risk maritime development zone' layers are unavailable for Gold Coast Waters.
- Removal of PO4 and associated AOs in Table 14.1.1 relating to navigable access as it is appropriately addressed through local government assessment of prescribed tidal works applications.
- Addition of definitions for 'Gold Coast Waters', 'high risk maritime development zone' and 'navigation corridor'.
Module 17: Public passenger transport - Removal of outdated references to 'The code for IDAS' from Module 17: Public passenger transport and replacement with the Road Planning and Design Manual (Queensland Practice) 2nd edition.
- Addition of AO3.3 and AO3.4 in Table 17.1.1 to provide clearer guidance for applicants in regards to the requirements for traffic calming devices for bus routes.
Context of changes
- Commencement in part of the Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014, requiring amendments to Modules 7 and 8
- Amendments to the Queensland Heritage Act 1992
- Need to provide further clarity following the re-introduction of sea-level rise in SDAP version 1.6
Part or module Amendments Module 1: Community amenity - Minor amendments throughout to correctly reference "15 or more passing trains per day" rather than "more than 15 passing trains per day".
Module 5: Fisheries resources - Minor amendments to simplify and streamline certain code provisions, including amalgamation of some Acceptable outcomes AOs.
- Rewording of some provisions to improve legibility and to clarify that an environmental offset should be provided where residual impact cannot be 'reasonably' avoided or minimised.
- Addition of references in a number of criteria to legally secured offset areas to ensure these are also considered and protected.
- Inclusion of a definition for a legally secured offset area.
Module 7: Water resources - Deletion of provisions related to declared drainage and embankment areas and interfering with overland flow which are now obsolete as a result of the commencement in part of the Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014.
- Deletion of PO13(3) and AO13.1(3) of Table 7.1.2 as these provisions are captured in a self-assessable code.
- Expansion of the editor's notes for the definitions of 'floodplain', 'lake' and 'watercourse' to assist in interpretation.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Clarification that numerous Performance outcomes POs and corresponding AOs throughout relate to a watercourse 'or drainage feature' as a result of the commencement in part of the Water Reform and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014.
- Amendments throughout to reflect that development should 'reasonably' avoid or minimise impacts, before providing an environmental offset where necessary.
- Changes to clarify the use and meaning of the term 'stream'.
- Amendment to the definition of 'watercourse' to reflect changes under the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
Module 9: Queensland heritage - Changes to reflect amendments to the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, including amending the purpose of the code and correctly referencing 'archaeological State heritage places'.
- Clarification of the definition of 'archaeological artefact'.
- Amendment to the definitions of 'archaeological State heritage place' (formerly 'archaeological place') and 'setting' to clarify meaning.
- Amendment to the definition of the term 'Queensland heritage place' to reference the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
- Addition of a definition for 'underwater cultural heritage artefact', to accord with amendments to the Queensland Heritage Act 1992.
- Minor amendment to the definition for the term 'use' and replacement of the editor's note for the term to clarify the relationship to cultural heritage significance.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Minor change to the purpose of the code to refer to development "completely or partly within" the coastal management district (CMD).
- Correction of an error in AO6.2 of Table 10.1.1 to clarify that it applies to 'small to medium scale tourist development', instead of just 'development'.
- Minor changes and simplifications to various provisions, and to clarify that an environmental offset should be provided where residual impact cannot be reasonably avoided or minimised.
- Insertion of a new AO2.1 of Table 10.1.2 relating to 'the drying, rehandling and disposal of dredged material on site to facilitate the timely disposal to land or re-use'.
- Deletion of PO5, PO7 and PO8 and associated AOs of Table 10.1.2 as they duplicate criteria contained in Module 5.
- Re-wording of AO1.1 of Table 10.1.3 to limit the criteria to land within the erosion prone area (and not the CMD) and to clarify how land should be used once surrendered to the State.
- Insertion of a new reference document 'Coastal hazard technical guide'.
- Additional clarification of the definition of 'coastal hazard area' to reference the Coastal hazard technical guide and take into account sea-level rise and increase in cyclone intensity.
- Addition of a new editor's note for the term 'defined storm tide event' clarifying how the defined storm tide event level can be determined.
Module 11: Wetland protection areas - Minor amendments to clarify that an environmental offset should be provided ''where impacts cannot be reasonably avoided or minimised'.
- Amendment to AO6.2 and AO6.4(3) of Table 11.1.1 to reflect that the Queensland Urban Stormwater Quality Planning Guidelines (QUSQPG) has now been superseded by the appropriate section of the State Planning Policy (SPP) appendix codes.
- Addition to the editor's note to AO6.3 of Table 11.1.1 to reflect that an erosion and sediment control plan can also be prepared by a '"Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC)'.
Module 12: Unexploded ordnance (UXO) - Reinstatement of this module after it was deleted in SDAP version 1.4.
- Changes to reflect that the module now only applies to UXO and not contaminated land (which is no longer assessable development).
- Addition of a new editor's note to AO1.1 (previously AO2.1) to assist in addressing the AO.
- Updates to remaining reference document.
Module 16: Particular dams - Amendments to the purpose of the code to clarify what is a 'particular dam' and a 'referable dam' for the purposes of using the code.
- Clarification of the editor's note in the acceptable outcomes column for PO1 to reduce repetition.
- Addition of an editor's note below Table 16.1.1 to clarify procedures for non-referable dams.
- Expansion of the editor's note for 'failure impact assessment' to clarify when a failure impact assessment is required to be undertaken.
Context of changes
- Rebranding of SDAP to reflect the change in department name following the 2015 state election
- Re-introduction of sea- level rise as a consideration for development
- Introduction of new reference materials by DTMR, prompting corresponding amendments to some provisions
Part or module Amendments Part C: Fast track framework - Amendments to the qualifying criteria for some triggers to clarify requirements around the use of Section 62 approvals granted under the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.
Module 1: Community amenity - Minor update to reflect that the mapping of transport noise corridors is now located within DILGP DA mapping
- Minor update to note that the noise criteria for habitable rooms in an accommodation activity do not apply to a residential building.
- Inclusion of definitions for terms which were inadvertently omitted from a previous version.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Update to Table 8.1.2 to clarify that a project declared to be a coordinated project under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, section 26, need not be assessed against PO1(4) of Table 8.1.6, as it is not relevant to this type of work.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Reinsertion of sea level rise as a consideration under PO5.2 of Table 10.1.1.
- Amendment of the definition of 'coastal dependent development' to be consistent with the definition in the SPP.
- Amendment of certain definitions to reflect the reintroduction of sea level rise.
Module 14: Maritime safety - Rewording of 2 x AOs to reference navigable waterways and ground tackle and deletion of another AO made redundant.
- Amendment of PO3 of Table 14.1.1 and an associated AO for clarity.
- Replacement of the editor's note accompanying AO3.3 of Table 14.1.1 for clarity.
Module 17: Public passenger transport - Relocation of one PO, such that it applies to 'all development' instead of to 'accommodation activities'.
Module 18: State transport infrastructure protection - Changes in terminology from 'railway viaduct' to 'railway bridge' and from 'lateral pressures' to 'lateral loading'.
- Addition of editor's notes to refer to a new reference document.
- Amendments to PO9 of 18.1.1 regarding loading on retaining or soil structures.
- Amendment to one existing AO and introduction of 3 x new AOs regarding loading on retaining or soil structures.
- Amendments to 3 x editor's notes to clarify the supporting documents which should be provided.
- Addition of definitions for a number of previously defined terms, and amendment to 2 x existing definitions.
Module 19: State transport network functionality - Addition of one new PO and associated AOs in relation to safety considerations around railway crossings.
Context of changes
- Repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005
- Commencement of the State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (Red Tape reduction) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014
- Commencement of the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and policy context and Part B: Application and operation - Removal of references to wild rivers as a matter of state interest, following the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
Part C: Fast track framework - Reformatting of some fast track qualifying criteria tables.
- Correction of minor errors and provision of further clarification.
- Removal of redundant criteria relating to vehicular access within 100m of a railway crossing.
- Creation of separate tables to simplify the criteria for volumetric subdivision.
- Addition of editor's notes to alert readers to mapping in the Development Assessment (DA) mapping system.
Module 1: Community amenity - Reduction in the number of sensitive uses the noise level criteria relate to.
- Addition of a new AO and PO relating to hospitals and acceptable noise levels.
- Re-wording of criteria relating to noise barriers to improve clarity.
- Addition of 'indoor education area', 'indoor play area', 'outdoor play area' and 'patient care area' to glossary.
- Addition of editor's notes to alert readers to mapping in the DA mapping system.
Module 3: Aquaculture - Removal of 3 x POs, associated AOs and other references to wild rivers, following the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
Module 4: Environmentally relevant activities - Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
- Addition of new POs and AOs in Table 4.1.1 related to riparian areas and ecological corridors and water quality objectives located in a strategic environmental area.
- Retitling Table 4.1.1 to 'strategic environmental area' to carry forward policy given the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
- Addition of new reference document.
Module 5: Fisheries resources - Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005, and replacement with references to 'strategic environmental areas' where relevant.
Module 7: Water resources - Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Rewording of PO2 of Table 8.1.3.
- Addition of provisions to reflect the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
- Addition of definitions for certain terms under the Vegetation Management Act 1999.
- Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005, and replacement with references to 'strategic environmental areas' where relevant.
- Removal of 2 x redundant POs and associated AOs related to geomorphic processes.
- Addition of definitions for certain terms under the Fisheries Act 1994, the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and the Regional Planning Interests Act 2014.
Module 11: Wetland protection areas - Deletion of obsolete provisions related to the repeal of the Wild Rivers Act 2005.
- Addition of references and provisions relating to 'strategic environmental areas' where relevant.
Module 17: Public and active transport - Addition of editor's notes to alert readers to mapping in the DA mapping system.
Module 18: State transport infrastructure protection - Clarification that certain provisions relating to a railway or future railway land also apply to a public passenger transport corridor.
- Clarification that certain AOs also relate to development over (as well as in) a railway or future railway land.
- Addition of boring, piling or blasting (in addition to excavation) as activities which may result in vibration impacts.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
- Addition of a new AO for development above a railway to facilitate ventilation.
- Addition of editor's notes to alert readers to mapping in the DA mapping system.
Module 19: State transport network infrastructure - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
- Addition of editor's notes to alert readers to mapping in the DA mapping system.
Context of changes
- Repeal of Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011
- Amendment of the SPR to make contaminated land compliance assessable
- Introduction of the fast track framework
- Commencement of the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014
- Removal of SPR trigger 7.2.27 relating to development adjacent to a declared fish habitat area
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and policy context and Part B: Application and operation - Removal of provisions relating to strategic cropping land to reflect the repeal of the Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011.
- Removal of provisions relating to contaminated land to reflect a change to the SPR to make contaminated land compliance assessable.
- Addition of references to and information on the fast track framework.
Part C: Fast track framework - Addition of a new Part C to introduce the fast track framework.
Module 4: Environmentally relevant activities - Minor amendments to ensure consistency with the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014.
Module 5: Fisheries resources - Minor amendments to ensure consistency with the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014.
- Amendments to remove provisions in relation to development 'adjacent to' a declared fish habitat; reflecting the removal of trigger 7.2.27 from the SPR.
Module 6: Strategic cropping land - Deletion of this module due to the repeal of the Strategic Cropping Land Act 2011.
Module 7: Water resources - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Amendments to ensure consistency with the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014, including the deletion of Appendices A and B which are now covered by the Offsets Act.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Minor amendments to ensure consistency with the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014.
- Change of 2 x instances of 'storm surge inundation' to 'storm tide inundation', for consistency.
- Removal of provisions relation to sea level rise as recommended by the Property and Infrastructure Cabinet Committee.
Module 11: Wetland protection and wild river areas - Minor amendments to ensure consistency with the Queensland Environmental Offsets Act 2014.
Module 12: Contaminated land - Deletion of this module to reflect a change to the SPR to make contaminated land compliance assessable.
Module 17: Public and active transport - Amendments to the structure and content of Table 17.1.1 to clarify provisions for public transport both generally and in relation to various land use categories.
- Deletion of State code 17.2 Active transport to reflect that these criteria are now covered by other SDAP codes.
Module 19: State transport network functionality - Amendments to Table 19.1.1 to clarify provisions in relation to road access locations.
- Amendments to Table 19.2.1 to clarify provisions in relation to the state controlled road network and planned upgrades.
Context of changes
- Introduction of SPR triggers 6.3.14 and 7.2.48 relating to assessable development for levees
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and policy context Part B: Application and operation - Minor amendments to reflect the introduction of State code 7.3 and associated SPR triggers.
Module 7: Water resources - Addition of a new state code – State code 7.3 Particular levees – to support the introduction of SPR triggers 6.3.14 and 7.2.48 relating to assessable development for levees.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references to reflect the new state code.
Context of changes
- Review and re-structuring of DTMR modules, including the removal of some state codes
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and Part B: Application and operation - Minor amendments to reflect the removal of State codes 18.2 and 19.2 and the subsequent re-numbering of other State codes as required.
Module 1: Community amenity - Inclusion of 'sensitive development' in the purpose of State codes 1.1 and 1.2.
- Removal of 2 x new POs and associated AOs relating to the regulation of residential buildings.
- Removal of references to 'residential care facilities' as these are included within the definition of 'accommodation activity'.
- Separation of ROL criteria into a new table (Table 1.1.2) to clarify which assessment criteria apply, and addition of 4 x new POs and AOs specifically relating to ROL.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 3: Aquaculture - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 4: Environmentally relevant activities - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 5: Fisheries resources - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 7: Water resources - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Inclusion of additional development types in Tables 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 to clarify which code provisions apply to certain development.
- Expansion of criteria in Table 8.1.6 relating to 'high value agriculture' or 'irrigated high value agriculture' to clarify when clearing may be acceptable.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Removal of the terms 'canal' and 'dry land marinas' from PO12 of Table 10.1.1 as these are included in the term 'artificial waterway'.
- Removal of the term 'defined storm tide event' from AO12.2 of Table 10.1.1 to apply the more general term 'flooding'.
- Expansion of AO12.3 of Table 10.1.1 to include additional provisions related to water quality.
- Clarification of AO3.1 and AO3.2 of Table 10.1.2 .
- Amendment of PO3 of Table 10.1.3 and corresponding AOs to remove the term 'artificial waterway' and replace with the more specific term of 'canals'.
Module 11: Wetland protection and wild river areas - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
- Reordering of some POs to provide greater emphasis.
- Amendments to a number of POs and AOs in Table 11.1.1 to clarify that the same provisions apply regardless of whether development is within or outside of an urban area.
- Changes to and insertion of new subheadings in Table 11.1.1.
- Amalgamation of some POs and AOs to simplify the operation of the code.
- Amendment to AO10.1 and AO10.2 of Table 11.1.1 to clarify that the provisions relate to a wetland in a wetland protection area.
- Amendment of the AOs associated with PO11 and PO13 in Table 11.1.1 to use the term mitigate instead of minimise, to align with the provisions of the State planning policy.
Module 17: Public and active transport - Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
- Significant redrafting of provisions to improve clarity, remove duplication and to use consistent terminology.
Module 18: State transport infrastructure protection - Removal of State code 18.2 Filling and excavation, and relocation of certain relevant provisions into State code 18.1.
- Amendment of the title and purpose of the code to reflect additional outcomes relocated from the deleted State code 18.2.
- Addition of new AOs associated with PO1 of Table 18.1.1 to reflect existing Department of Transport Main Roads (DTMR) guidance material.
- Addition of new AOs associated with PO2 of Table 18.1.1 to reflect material removed from the deleted State code 19.2.
- Rewording of PO3 of Table 18.1.1 and associated AO to address impact from a derailed train.
- Rewording of PO4 of Table 18.1.1 and addition of a new AO related to buildings or structures in, over, below or within 50m of transport tunnels.
- Rewording of PO5 of Table 18.1.1 and addition of a new AO relating to dangerous goods.
- Amendment to PO6 of Table 18.1.1 and associated AO to clarify when the state considers advertising devices.
- Rewording and renumbering of PO7 of Table 18.1.1 and associated AOs related to excavation for basement levels or structural piling.
- Addition of a new AO associated with PO9 of Table 18.1.1 to ensure temporary structures and batters do not encroach into railways.
- Minor amendment to include 'ponding' in the purpose of State code 18.2 (renumbered) and in PO1 of Table 18.2.1 (renumbered).
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Module 19: State transport network functionality - Removal of State code 19.2 Development adjacent to railway, busway and light rail as these provisions are now incorporated in Module 18.
- Addition of a new AO1.2 of Table 19.2.1 (re-numbered) to clarify that additional railway crossings are not acceptable.
- Minor amendments to supporting materials and references.
Context of changes
- First review of SDAP after its commencement on 1 July 2013
- Commencement of the SPP as a separate document
- Transfer of provisions from the Wild Rivers Code 2007 to SDAP
Part or module Amendments Part A: Introduction and Part B: Application and operation - Removal of the five SPP theme subheadings from the table of contents.
- Removal of the document structure table.
- Amendment of Part A to reflect alignment with the SPP.
- Amendment of SARA mapping online system table.
- Removal of references to redundant provisions and addition of references to new provisions.
- Changes to the document design to remove the alignment with the SPP (i.e. diagrams, colours, headers and footers).
Part C: State codes - Removal of alignment with the themes of the SPP and insertion of a list of the modules and state codes.
Module 1: Community amenity - Correction of noise value descriptions.
- Addition of reference documents.
- Minor text changes to improve readability.
Module 3: Aquaculture - Insertion of 3 x new POs and associated AOs for aquaculture in wild river areas (inadvertently omitted in the first version of SDAP).
- Rewording of some POs and associated editor's notes to improve readability and clarity.
- Correction of reference documents including author details and hyperlinks.
- Removal of unnecessary glossary terms.
Module 4: Environmentally relevant activities - Removal of operational matters that are a consideration for the environmental authority rather than for a development permit.
- Removal of the standard criteria PO, which related to the principles of environmental policy as set out in the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment.
- Insertion of 3 x new POs and associated AOs for an environmentally relevant activity (ERA) for aquaculture in a wild river area (transfer of provisions from the existing Wild Rivers Code 2007).
- Minor corrections to ERA numbers.
Module 5: Fisheries resources - Reformat of section 5.1.2 to split into two tables.
- Inclusion of new provisions relating to development in or adjacent to a declared fish habitat in a wild river area (transfer of provisions from the existing Wild Rivers Code 2007).
- Inclusion of new provisions relating to constructing or raising waterway barrier works in a fish habitat area in a wild river area (transfer of provisions from the existing Wild Rivers Code 2007).
Module 6: Strategic cropping land - Changes to improve readability.
- Removal of incorrect reference to building work.
Module 7: Water resources - Inclusion of new provisions in State code 7.1 Sustainable management of water resources (transfer of provisions from the existing Wild Rivers Code 2007).
Module 8: Native vegetation clearing - Consolidation of four state codes into State code 8.1 Queensland vegetation management.
- Amendment to Table 8.1.1 to reflect the new AO and PO numbering.
- Inclusion of new assessment criteria related to the three new relevant purposes (high value agriculture, irrigated high-value agriculture, and necessary environmental clearing) resulting from the vegetation management framework reforms progressed through the Vegetation Management Framework Amendment Act 2013.
- New provisions related to clearing applications for properties subject to compliance or enforcement notices.
- Clarification of clearing definition to include provisions related to clearing as a result of a material change of use or reconfiguring a lot.
Module 9: Queensland heritage - Reference documents list updated for revised documents.
- Minor amendment to the glossary.
Module 10: Coastal protection - Minor amendments to purpose, and AOs and POs, to improve readability.
- Expansion of one AO to include the design, construction and operation of an artificial waterway in connection with reconfiguring a lot.
- Inclusion of 2 x new POs related to operational work and reconfiguring a lot for an artificial waterway.
- Correction of references to the Coastal Protection and Management Act 1995.
- References updated for revised documents.
Module 11: Wetland protection and wild river areas - Insertion of new editor's note in the purpose statement.
- Insertion of a new State code 11.3 Residential, commercial and industrial development in a wild river area (transfer of provisions from the existing Wild Rivers Code 2007).
- Amendment to State code 11.1 Wetland protection area to clarify requirements for environmental offsets.
Module 13: Major hazard facilities - Amendment to editor's note to clarify the risk reduction 'so far as reasonably practicable (SFARP)'.
- Reformatting of AOs to improve clarity.
- Correction of individual fatality risk level criteria.
- Deletion of one PO to reflect alignment with the SPP.
Module 14: Maritime safety - Deletion of State code 14.2 Ship sourced pollutants reception facilities in marinas, resulting from the introduction of the SPP.
- Amendment of terminology to accurately reflect technical terms.
- Reworking of AOs to improve clarity and enable the removal of some editor's notes.
- Amendment to editor's notes to provide clearer advice.
Module 15: Airports - Deletion of State code 15.2 Strategic airports and aviation facilities, resulting from the introduction of the SPP.
- Amendment to the glossary.
- Minor updates to references.
Module 17: Public and active transport - Deletion of State code 17.3 Land use and transport integration, resulting from the introduction of the SPP.
- Amendments to terminology in State codes 17.1 and 17.2 to accurately reflect technical terms.
- Correction of errors in table references.
- Amendment to reference documents to reflect new supporting information prepared by DTMR.
Module 18: State transport infrastructure protection - Amendment to editor's notes to provide further clarity.
- Reordering of AOs to improve clarity.
- Amendment to reference documents to reflect new supporting information prepared by DTMR.
Module 19: State transport network functionality - Amendments as a result of amended operation of section 62 of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994.
- References updated for revised documents, and removal of unnecessary references.
- Reworking of certain AOs to improve clarity.
- Amendments to remove duplicated or otherwise unnecessary provisions.
Last updated: 01 Oct 2024