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Planning issues and interests

Planning is constantly evolving in response to rapid and far reaching changes in wider society.

The state government is always looking at ways the state's planning policies and framework can improve the lives of everyone. This may be through a special state project to manage a specific issue or ensuring legislation and policies carefully balance the needs of people, places, the environment and the economy.

Unlocking church and charity-owned land for community housing

The Queensland Government has undertaken regulatory amendments and operational changes to the Ministerial Infrastructure Designation pathway to deliver the commitment to unlock church and charity-owned land for the community housing sector.

Housing Availability and Affordability (Planning and Other Legislation Amendment) Act 2024

More information on how we're amending the Planning Act 2016 to improve the planning framework’s response to housing supply challenges.

Inclusionary Planning Pilot Program 

The Inclusionary Planning Pilot (IPP) Program is an initiative under the Homes for Queenslanders plan to help developers, the community, and council to understand how different inclusionary planning measures can work in practice.

Easements and Acquisitions 

The State has the power to acquire land or easements or create a new easement to facilitate the delivery of development infrastructure (for example, water infrastructure, transport infrastructure, parks and community facilities).

Decriminalisation of the sex work industry and the Queensland planning framework

Queensland Government has undertaken a comprehensive package of amendments to legislation and other material to support the decriminalisation of sex work, to establish a legal framework to support a decriminalised sex work industry while improving the health, safety, rights, and legal protections for sex workers.

Distinctly Queensland Design Series

The Distinctly Queensland Design Series  will help facilitate the delivery of more diverse, affordable, and well-located homes throughout Queensland.

Scheme Supply Fund

The $12.5 million Scheme Supply Fund is an initiative of the Homes for Queenslanders plan and will help Queensland reach its goal to deliver 1 million new homes by 2046.

Land supply and growth challenges in South East Queensland

Read more about the key initiatives underway to address current pressures on land supply across South East Queensland.

Incentivising Infill Development Fund

The $350 million Incentivising Infill Development Fund (IIDF) is a key initiative of the Homes for Queenslanders plan and will help Queensland reach its goal to deliver 1 million new homes by 2046.

Redland Housing Strategy

Through the Redland Housing Strategy 2024–2046, we're ensuring everyone has access to the type of housing they need in the Redlands area – now and in the future.

Short-term rental accommodation review

The Queensland Government has delivered on its commitment to investigate the impact of short-term rental accommodation on housing affordability and availability across different communities.

Wind farms

The Queensland Government is delivering on its commitment that requires renewable energy projects are impact assessable with approval processes consistent with other land uses like mining and infrastructure.

Tiny homes

We believe all Queenslanders should have access to safe, secure, and quality homes that meet their needs. We need to support more homes, while protecting what we love about the Queensland lifestyle. Tiny homes can offer a bespoke affordable housing solution and are becoming increasingly popular in the community.

Queensland Rural Workers’ Accommodation Initiative

The Queensland Government recognises the importance of rural workers’ accommodation in facilitating all aspects of the agricultural supply chain and to support the many regional and local economies that rely on rural industries.

Changes to regulation of rooming accommodation, dwellings houses and zone purpose statements

These amendments further contribute to addressing the current housing affordability and supply challenges that communities are facing across Queensland.

Changes to emergency housing regulations and infrastructure designation pathway for social and affordable housing

Planning approval has been removed to provide people with more access to emergency housing during natural disasters and other events. Changes have been made to deliver social and affordable housing projects faster by providing alternate assessment pathways for social or affordable housing projects by a community housing provider or under a State funded program.

Changes to secondary dwellings

To provide people with more access to housing options, restrictions on who can live in secondary dwellings will no longer apply across Queensland and will enable homeowners to rent out secondary dwellings, such as granny flats, to anyone.

Queensland Government Planning Awards

The Queensland Government Planning Awards give planning students the opportunity to submit applications to demonstrate innovative and practical approaches to real-world planning challenges — particularly related to engagement and consultation in planning.

Areas of regional interest

The Regional Planning Interests Act 2014 (RPI Act) protects areas of regional interest from inappropriate development. It also assists resolving land use conflict between activities which contribute to the state's economy.

Healthy and active communities

Designing our local neighbourhoods to support more active communities plays a key role in promoting the health and wellbeing of Queenslanders.

Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture, tradition

The state government has developed guidance material to assist local government advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and tradition in land use planning.

Last updated: 16 Jan 2025