Scheme Supply Fund
The $12.5 million Scheme Supply Fund (the Fund) is an initiative of the Homes for Queenslanders plan and will help Queensland reach its goal to deliver 1 million new homes by 2046.
The Fund helps plan for housing supply at the grassroots, providing financial assistance to local governments for key planning scheme improvements to meet their communities’ housing needs, deliver planning outcomes under Local Housing Action Plans (LHAPs), Local Housing Plans (LHPs) or facilitate housing outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councils areas.
The Fund is designed to assist with investigations and plan making activities such as housing needs assessments or master planning that will result in improvements through an amendment to a local government’s strategic plan or planning scheme. The aim is to remove regulatory barriers and identify key areas for development or redevelopment to unlock more homes on the ground faster.
Funding details
The Fund provides financial assistance to local governments to deliver planning scheme amendments that improve alignment with their communities’ housing needs by:
- understanding and adapting to the needs of Queensland’s changing population;
- unlocking an adequate pipeline of zoned and serviced land supply is available for residential development;
- integrating land use and infrastructure planning to maximise investment in infrastructure to support growth;
- identifying and resolving issues that are delaying, preventing or adding costs to planning approvals; and / or
- actioning plan making outcomes identified in an endorsed Local Housing Action Plan or Local Housing Plan.
Who can apply?
Eligible local government body (local government body constituted under the Local Government Act 2009 or the City of Brisbane Act 2010) can apply. Also an eligible local government body in partnership with other local government bodies and/or regional organisations of councils.
Each local government is in 1 of 3 groups.
- Brisbane City Council
- Gold Coast City Council
- Ipswich City Council
- Logan City Council
- Moreton Bay City Council
- Redland City Council
- Sunshine Coast Council
- Bundaberg Regional Council
- Cairns Regional Council
- Cassowary Coast Regional Council
- Central Highlands Regional Council
- Charters Towers Regional Council
- Douglas Shire Council
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Gympie Regional Council
- Livingstone Shire Council
- Lockyer Valley Regional Council
- Mackay Regional Council
- Mareeba Shire Council
- Noosa Shire Council
- Rockhampton Regional Council
- Scenic Rim Regional Council
- Somerset Regional Council
- Southern Downs Regional Council
- Tablelands Regional Council
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Townsville City Council
- Western Downs Regional Council
- Whitsunday Regional Council
- Aurukun Shire Council
- Balonne Shire Council
- Banana Shire Council
- Barcaldine Regional Council
- Barcoo Shire Council
- Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
- Boulia Shire Council
- Bulloo Shire Council
- Burdekin Shire Council
- Burke Shire Council
- Carpentaria Shire Council
- Cherbourg Shire Council
- Cloncurry Shire Council
- Cook Shire Council
- Croydon Shire Council
- Diamantina Shire Council
- Doomadgee Shire Council
- Etheridge Shire Council
- Flinders Shire Council
- Goondiwindi Regional Council
- Hinchinbrook Shire Council
- Hope Vale Shire Council
- Isaac Regional Council
- Kowanyama Shire Council
- Lockhart River Shire Council
- Longreach Regional Council
- Mapoon Shire Council
- Maranoa Regional Council
- McKinlay Shire Council
- Mornington Shire Council
- Mount Isa City Council
- Murweh Shire Council
- Napranum Shire Council
- North Burnett Regional Council
- Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council
- Palm Island Shire Council
- Paroo Shire Council
- Pormpuraaw Shire Council
- Quilpie Shire Council
- Richmond Shire Council
- South Burnett Regional Council
- Torres Shire Council
- Torres Strait Island Regional Council
- Winton Shire Council
- Woorabinda Shire Council
- Wujal Wujal Shire Council
- Yarrabah Shire Council
Delivery pathways
The Fund provides 2 application pathways: Pathway 1 and Pathway 2. Pathway 1 provides targeted support to remote, western regional and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local governments. Pathway 2 allows all local governments the opportunity to express their interest and apply for funding to implement planning scheme improvements that meet key criteria to deliver key housing outcomes for Queensland communities.
Pathway 1
Pathway 1 is non-competitive, allocation-based funding available to remote, western regional and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local governments identified in local government group 3.
Pathway 1 program funding aims to support eligible local governments to deliver planning outcomes directly related to actions identified in endorsed LHAPs or LHPs, or housing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local governments that do not have an LHAP or LHP in place, that will result in a planning scheme amendment.
You may include secondary elements in your projects that also result in key improvements to their planning instruments.
Eligible local governments can apply to receive a funding allocation of up to $100,000 using the department’s eGrant Portal.
The Fund Guideline ( 470.0 KB) provides further information.
Pathway 2
Pathway 2 projects are assessed under a competitive application process that is open to all local governments.
You must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) during the EOI period to receive in principal support for the project prior to being considered an Eligible Project. Eligible projects will then be supported to progress through to full assessment once the funding round opens.
Funding for Pathway 2 projects is provided up to:
- $200,000 for local governments identified in Local government group 1 and requires a minimum 50% co-contribution from the local government
- $350,000 for local governments identified in Local government group 2 and requires a minimum 25% co-contribution from the local government
- Uncapped for local governments identified in Local government group 3 and requires no co-contribution from the local government.
The Fund Guideline ( 470.0 KB) provides for further information.
Key dates
- Fund Guideline released on 27 August 2024.
- Applications open for Pathway 1 projects on 29 August 2024.
- Expression of Interest (EOI) period for Pathway 2 applications is 2 September to 16 September 2024
- EOI applicants advised if their project is suitable to progress to the competitive application process for Pathway 2 late September 2024
- Pathway 2 – Successful EOI applicants will be advised of opening of applications.
- All projects to be completed by 30 June 2026.
How to apply
Pathway 1 applications
To access funding under Pathway 1, you must:
- complete the online application form on the eGrant Portal
- provide all of the information requested.
To assist Local government group 3 provide the requested information for submission through the eGrant Portal, a Pathway 1 Scheme Supply Fund Project Proposal Form ( 870.0 KB) has been developed.
Pathway 2 applications
Funding under the Pathway 2 grant program is awarded through a two-step competitive application assessment process. To apply for Pathway 2 funding you must first submit an EOI through the eGrant Portal to determine project compatibility with the Fund objectives and suitability to progress through the competitive application process. A Pathway 2 EOI Application Form ( 870.7 KB) has been developed to assist you to provide the requested information for EOI submission through the eGrant Portal.
We will give priority to those local governments whose EOIs demonstrate compatibility with the Fund objectives through making beneficial and key improvements to their planning schemes to unlock diversity, gentle density and community and culturally responsive housing options in response to key drivers in their local government area. This includes LHAPS or LHPS, housing strategies and / or regional plan outcomes.
Once we have accepted the EOI, the you must undertake the following actions when applying for Pathway 2 funding:
- complete the online application form on the eGrant Portal
- provide all of the information requested
- address all eligibility criteria and assessment criteria
- identify the co-contribution the council will make towards the total project cost
- include all necessary attachments
- provide a project plan, including a GANTT chart or equivalent
- include a risk management plan
- submit a completed Co-contribution Declaration Form
- submit your application to the department by the closing date and time advised by the department.
A Pathway 2 Scheme Supply Fund Project Proposal Form ( 867.6 KB) has been developed to assist you to provide the requested information for submission through the eGrant Portal.
Refer to the Fund Guideline ( 470.0 KB) for further information.
Contact if you have queries about the Fund or application process.
- Fund Guideline (
470.0 KB)
- Pathway 1 Scheme Supply Fund Project Proposal Form (
870.0 KB)
- Pathway 2 EOI Application Form (
870.7 KB)
- Pathway 2 Scheme Supply Fund Project Proposal Form (
867.6 KB)
Last updated: 30 Aug 2024