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Addressing land supply and growth challenges in South East Queensland

South East Queensland continues to experience significant population growth, and the way we live and work is changing rapidly.

It’s not hard to see why. Queensland has an incredible lifestyle and a strong economy that supports plenty of jobs and business opportunities.

The influx of new residents is not slowing down. By 2046, our population is expected to be about six million. That’s an additional 2.2 million people from 2021. Our household dynamic is also changing with households in the region becoming smaller and more diverse increasing the demand for different housing types such as attached housing and smaller homes.

To make the most of the opportunities that growth provides, and to ensure there is enough housing – and the right housing – for everyone, it is critical that we plan for it in the right way. We must lay strong foundations for economic development and liveable communities that will meet the future needs of our growing and changing population.

South East Queensland Regional Plan review

The South East Queensland Regional Plan, also known as ShapingSEQ, provides a framework for growth management, and sets planning direction for sustainable growth, global economic competitiveness and high-quality living. The 2022 Queensland Government Housing Summit set a range of actions to address the housing needs of Queenslanders including a review of ShapingSEQ 2017.

In December 2023, the reviewed regional plan, ShapingSEQ 2023 was released following consultation with South East Queensland communities, local governments and industry. The plan positions South East Queensland to be ready for growth. When done well, growth is an opportunity to expand and enhance the already great communities and support the different needs and lifestyles of all Queenslanders.

In addition to the review, a SEQ Infrastructure Supplement has been developed to support ShapingSEQ 2023, recognising the importance of alignment between land use planning and infrastructure planning. The supplement provides an initial Queensland Government infrastructure planning response to the growth needs and land-use changes outlined in ShapingSEQ 2023.

Find out more about ShapingSEQ.

Growth Monitoring Program (GMP)

The Growth Monitoring Program (GMP) was established under the 2017 regional plan for South East Queensland (ShapingSEQ 2017) and continues under ShapingSEQ 2023. The GMP monitors land use and development activity in the South East Queensland (SEQ) region to track the performance of key ShapingSEQ regional plan policies, including the progress of land supply and dwelling growth targets to help address supply challenges.

More information on the GMP is available.

Further information

Please direct any enquiries to the State Facilitated Development Team at

Last updated: 07 Aug 2024